The Mixer is designed to give a mix control facility for those R/C systems that do not have computer mix facilities. It is ideal for V-tail gliders and tail-less models, ie deltas and flying wings. Installation is simplicity itself with two plugs to fit the receiver sockets and two sockets to fit to the servos. It is microprocessor controlled and not sensitive to the mode of connection. Any channel can be used in any order.
For the Couples Rudder/Aileron mode, two small slide switches are incorporated o nthe side of the case. One of these converts from V-tail type mix to Rudder/Aileron mix. The other gives two options of Rudder/Aileron mix ratios. There is a 12.5% and a 25% coupling mix available.
In the Coupled Rudder/Aileron mode, the riginal full rudder channel operation is retained in its own right. The mix only occurs when the Aileron channel is used.
This is a new product to our range that has been extensively tested for over a year. It has shown itself as being a highly satisfactory alternative to produce a complex function from the simple R/C systems
Please contact us for full details.